It’s a big, wide world out there but it’s finally starting to get smaller - especially if you can speak another language.

With the advent of social media, an increase in accessibility and more people studying foreign language courses abroad, we are communicating with each other like never before. And in this brave new age, being able to speak another tongue could be the key to getting ahead.

Experts collectively agree that those who speak another language are generally more successful; that speaking more than one language increases your confidence… and also your career prospects.

In the UK we are notoriously apathetic towards learning another language - but employers may look more favourably on multi-lingual individuals when they submit their CV.

One expert even estimated that those who spoke an additional language, in sectors such as sales, marketing or technical support, earned between 10-15% more than average.

And by studying language courses abroad you are increasing these prospects for success even further.

The benefits of learning the language in the country it is spoken are huge: It is all too easy, when learning a language at home, to revert back into speaking English when it gets tough - because everybody does it. When you’re in Spain learning Spanish or in France learning French you can’t; you have to adjust and get through, relying less on your native tongue.

Studying courses abroad will help you pick up the language far quicker; you will develop a more natural accent… just by learning from those all around you.

And then there’s the added bonus of gaining a far greater understanding of different cultures - something you could never experience sat in a classroom at home.

By studying language courses abroad, you never know what career opportunity could present itself on your return.

For more information on studying language courses abroad, contact us on 01736 740000 or email

You can also find out more about this on our language courses abroad website