Friday 6 December 2013

Why learn a language abroad?

Whether you want to learn Spanish, study on a French course, learn the Italian lingo or try your hand at German or Russian or any other language you will have no doubt asked yourself this question: Why learn a language abroad? Whilst it is not impossible to learn another language without actually learning the language in the Country it is spoken, the benefits of doing so are far greater than not.

Language Courses Abroad
Beneficial to your language learning:  It will enable you to have a better understanding of the language whilst also developing a more natural accent by learning from native speakers. It is all too easy for people to fall into the trap whereby they revert back to speaking English because most people abroad can speak English. If you find yourself doing this... STOP!! It is all too easy to fall into the 'English bubble' as I call it. To learn a language you need to be highly motivated and push yourself to progress. You learn so much from having conversations with the locals, even if it's only about the weather or the price of milk. You may think you are annoying them or taking up their time listening to you struggle through your conversation, but trust me they will appreciate the effort you are trying to make to speak their language. 
Once you break through the confidence barrier of talking in another language you will really start to get the hang of it and get a real buzz from it.
Learn the language quicker: People that learn the language in the country it is spoken tend to learn the language at a faster rate than people not living in the country. This is because they are surrounded by the language and culture. It is also fantastic to be to go about your daily routine and put your newly acquired language skills into practice.

Language Courses AbroadExperience a new culture: You will not only gain the skill of being able to learn a new language, you will also be able to understand a new culture and its customs. Fully immersing yourself in the culture of another language also helps you to be more understanding and accepting of other peoples customs and beliefs... a life skill which in my opinion is invaluable. 

Language Courses AbroadMake new friends:  When you arrive at your chosen language school abroad you will be greeted by students from all over the world. These students are all in the same boat as yourself. They have all left their home countries to learn the language abroad. You will be amazed at how quickly you make friends as you experience studying in a foreign country and some of you will even form lifelong friendships. After all who does need a friend like Carmen in Mexico or Ivan in Switzerland to visit when the travel bug catches up with you :).

Language Courses AbroadGain greater independence: The experience of living abroad in a foreign country and away from your home comforts will develop to broaden your horizons whilst developing a sense of independence. Gap year students on gap year language courses abroad especially have found that they gain more self-confidence and mature quicker as a result of learning a language on language courses abroad.

Gemma Rescorla, Director Live Languages Abroad